Create Your Roadmap to Health & Vitality
Frustrated by your body? Not sure how to get your health on track? Tired of cookie-cutter approaches?
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I'm Dr. Arjan Khalsa, and I want to invite you to this special 5 week course that's unlike anything you've seen before. Ready?
Yes! I'm ready to create my own personal map to get my health where I want it to be!
I have a completely holistic new way of approaching your health condition. I've taken all my years of research and practice with patients and put it into an easy-to-follow course. I know that it's so hard to put together all of the information out there to know what will be best for you. I've compiled the best of the best information and put it in a simple format for you to follow to create a life full of health and vitality
My name is Dr. Arjan Khalsa and I come from a family of Chiropractors. I have studied and practiced the healing arts of Chiropractic, Applied Kinesiology, CranioSacral Therapy, Kundalini Yoga, meditation, and Nutrition for over 20 years. Along with treating patients in my practice in Northern New Mexico, US, I teach meditation, yoga, and lifestyle around the world. I taught Applied Kinesiology (Read More) at our local college for 10 years.
"I have made it my life's work to inspire people with tools and techniques to help heal and balance their bodies. My purpose is to help you find your inner balance and to listen to your inherent wisdom to find what will restore and rejuvenate YOU." - Dr Arjan
My guess is that you've tried the following:
- Consulting your doctor
- Prescription medications
- Over-the-counter medications
- Getting Rest
- Some healing treatments
- Exercising.......or not exercising
- Some kind of diet that a friend told you about
You've been struggling in silence for so long that you're almost resigned to living with your condition. Will it ever get any better? It doesn't feel good to accept your condition as a lifestyle.
Great Health Is Within Your Reach
I've put together a 5 module, 5 week course that is going to give you a starting point to creating an entirely new approach to health in your life.
What you'll get when you purchase this course:
- Find your own personal baseline for what isn't working for you and your health
- Learn how to recognize the 'triggers' for your health
- Build your own resources for changing your health, right now
- Decrease your pain, inflammation and increase your vitality and well-being
You'll have several hours of exclusive interviews with guest speakers and video instruction that will guide you from start to finish.
I hear so many times that people have a condition, they have tried 'x,y, and z' treatments for it, they didn't work, and now they want help, but aren't sure where to start. There is so much information on the internet and in the media. It's overwhelming and you don't know how to put it all together to work for you.
I've taken the 'unknown' element and put it into an easy-to-follow course for you. If you follow this 'road map', you'll have a great base with a lot of knowledge and the exact tools you need to get you on your way.
Each module is designed to address one causal area of inflammation and stress. In each module, we'll have a number of short videos, some written information, a log to chart your progress, and action items for the week.
My course is for people who:
- Have a chronic health condition and need a new way of approaching it
- Want an effective holistic approach to their health and lifestyle.
- Know they want to 'get healthy' but don't know where to start
- Imagine a life with less pain and increased vitality
This course is NOT for people who:
- Want a 'quick fix' to their health issues
- Are not able or willing to practice the 'action item's presented with each module
- Will be relying on this course for an answer to all of their health conditions. If you have a chronic, serious disease, you must consult your primary care physician before enrolling in this course.
- Are looking for a 'cure' for their health condition. This course is not a 'cure' for any disease process. It is for people who are looking for balance and lowered inflammation in their bodies, along with a greater sense of 'health' and vitality.
Week 1
Use Your Breath to Heal
We start the course off with a good foundation that we'll build on in the coming weeks.
- Join myself and other experts as we take you into a deep dive learning to use your breath correctly to experience a deep sense of relaxation, a calm mind, and increased ability to handle stress.
- I'll teach you 4 different, simple yet powerful breathing exercises ( 'Pranayams'), along with providing a log to track your stress levels before and after you've practiced the Pranayams.
- When you learn to breathe correctly, you maximize the oxygen to your blood and muscles.
By the end of this week, you'll be able to:
- Use your breath to calm pain, inflammation and reduce anxiety
- Increase your energy when you're feeling tired or mentally 'down'
Week 2
Food as Medicine
Everything you put into your body is medicine. You want to eat the foods that heal, nourish, and feed your body.
You want to find those foods that don't do well with your particular body's chemistry and either cut those out completely or minimize them.
In this module we'll discuss foods that help to decrease inflammation and provide vital nutrients to heal your body.
I find that most people can reduce or even eliminate their symptoms, largely, through eating the right foods and eliminating the 'wrong' foods.
You'll have the opportunity to go through a food elimination process to identify which foods are actually making your body feel badly.
Included in this section:
- A comprehensive shopping list
- A food log to track your symptoms and how they relate to what you're eating
- Fabulous recipes to try out during this week and to incorporate into your regular menu
- A sneak peek into my own, personal Pinterest page of favorite recipes
- A list of 'alarm foods' for you to avoid during the week. These are foods that may be contributing to your health issues.
- Cooking videos to inspire the healthy cook in you
By the end of the week, you'll have:
- A clear idea of what could be contributing to your condition
- Reduce your pain and inflammation through the use of food
- Alleviate symptoms of fatigue
- Increase energy and vitality
- Some really tasty, new, healing foods in your kitchen
- Have a food plan to keep your health and vitality running strong!
Week 3
Hydrate Your Way to Health
This week we'll focus on making sure you're drinking what you need for your body to function at its' highest level. Water is one of the EASIEST home remedies for health, and I'm going to help get you passionate about hydrating yourself.
This week you will:
- Create a plan to increase the 'good' stuff into your daily routine
- Learn how to identify whether you're drinking enough fluids
- Learn why carbonation and caffeine is detrimental to your health and substitutes for each of these
- Use fluids as a way to reduce pain
- Use water and other healthy options to reduce heat and inflammation in your body
Week 4
Get More Movement into Your Life
Movement is key to health.
Everyone can participate with this week's material.....whether you're an active exerciser or are chair-bound, you'll benefit from the yoga that we are introducing here.
This week you will:
- Have access to a recorded class for flexibility of the spine. All health begins with a flexible spine, so if you increase your flexibility, you will be able to do so much more!
- Keep a daily log of the movement you're adding into your life
- Understand why we must move daily
- Use movement as a way to strengthen and tonify your organs and muscles
- Use movement to heal your mind and body
Even if you are chair-bound, you'll be able to participate in this with some modifications.
This is a fun week!
When you move, you:
- Speed up your metabolism
- Release endorphins
- Feed your joints
- Reduce the risk of injury
Week 5
Heal Your Sleep
Sleep difficulty is one of the primary reasons people seek help from their doctor.
In this module we'll go over the different ways people have difficulty sleeping, and give you tools to start changing sleep patterns, that you can implement immediately.
This week includes:
- A 'sleep log' for you to print out and track your sleeping patterns for the week to identify where your sleep health is at the beginning of the week and to watch your progress over the weeks and months ahead
- Yoga postures for inducing sweet sleep
- My favorite meditation video that you can follow along with that will help to relax and calm you in preparation for a great nights' sleep.
- Tips and tools for calming your head and preparing yourself for a great sleep
- You'll be able to use your sleep as a tool to heal
I am a big fan of good sleep, and I look forward to sharing all of these tools with you so that you can enhance your sleep patterns for a deep, healing and restful sleep every night.
Featuring interviews with Dharma Khalsa, M.D,
Author of the international best sellers Brain Longevity, Meditation As Medicine, Food As Medicine, and others. President and Medical Director of the Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation in Tucson, Arizona, the original voice in the integrative medical approach to the prevention and treatment of memory loss. He has helped design several groundbreaking scientific research studies with prestigious Universities. Read more.
Course Curriculum
StartIntroduction & Overview of the Course (8:19)
StartHow This Course is Going to Work
StartThe 3 goals for this Course
StartYour Health Story
StartWhere to start? (Dr. Dharma) (13:51)
StartDon't wait till it's too late: Return of the Turtle... (Dr. Dharma) (1:20)
Start3 Quick Starts to Getting Healthy (Dr. Dharma) (2:02)
StartGetting Started This Week
StartOur Amazing Breath
StartWhy Focus on Our Breath? (Video) (6:22)
StartBenefits of Breath
StartGetting You Started with Exercises to Practice Conscious Breathing
StartBreath Exercise 1: Long Deep Breathing (Relax) (0:54)
StartBreath Exercise 2: Left Nostril Breathing (Calm) (1:12)
StartBreath Exercise 3: Right Nostril Breathing (Energize) (1:10)
StartBreath Exercise 4: Eight Stroke Breath (De-Stress) (0:58)
StartBreathe Deeply: Action Items for the Week
StartClass with Dr. Arjan & Guruka (34:12)
Your Instructor
Dr. Arjan Khalsa comes from a family of Chiropractors and has studied the healing arts of Chiropractic, Applied Kinesiology, CranioSacral Therapy, Kundalini Yoga, meditation, and Nutrition for over 17 years. Along with treating patients she teaches meditation, yoga, and lifestyle around the world. She taught Applied Kinesiology at the local college for 10 years.
I have made it my life's work to inspire people with tools and techniques to help heal and balance their bodies. My purpose is to help you find your inner balance and to listen to your inherent wisdom to find what will restore and rejuvenate YOU.
Dr. Arjan specializes in Applied Kinesiology, which utilizes a system of muscle testing to determine problems and imbalances in the body. Treatments may involve adjustments to the spine, myofascial therapies, Craniosacral, meridian, acupressure, and stress relief techniques, nutrition, dietary management, and evaluating for environmental irritants. Read More
What people are saying about Dr Arjan
"Dr. Arjan is a miracle worker... When I first started seeing Arjan over a year ago, it took all my energy to get out of bed just to go to see her. Thanks to Arjan, I am doing so much more, eating, sleeping and living life again!" - Paula Ewy
How much do you want to pay?
Welcome to my online school! I’ve put all my years of experience, knowledge and research as a Chiropractor and yoga teacher, into the creation of these courses to bring you the very best and up-to-date information and tools for you to learn how to heal yourself.
I want to make this information available to EVERYONE who would like to improve their life, regardless of budgetary constraints. I believe this information, and the content of these courses are so incredibly important to be shared, and money shouldn’t be a barrier for anyone.
Holistic and natural healthcare is oftentimes more difficult to attain for many people, due to the high cost and the lack of insurance coverage. I believe that every single person has the right to access health care that actually heals and vitalizes their bodies, rather than taking pills and resorting to surgeries.
This is why I offer all of my courses at different price points; you can pay what you’re able!
Get started now!
Frequently Asked Questions

Suzanne's Story
Suzanne came into my office in after several of her teacher friends told her that I would be able to help her (just letting you know that all of these women just happened to have great results with me, but that was my luck). She didn't want to come in to see yet another doctor. She was tired of doctors, tired of getting poked by needles, tired of not getting any help, and tired of feeling so badly all the time. She didn’t think that I could do anything differently for her that she had not been through before.
Two years prior to this visit, Suzanne had been diagnosed with Scleroderma. This is a disease, in which, all of the body’s connective tissue calcifies. It gets hard. This means the ligaments and tendons all over the body, including the organs and the muscles. She was 39 years old at the time and already constantly hurting, unable to work a full day (she is a special education teacher) without feeling tired and in pain, and unable to participate in life at home and with her family.
That evening, I suggested that she completely eliminate gluten from her diet. I explained to her that gluten can cause inflammation in the body and that the immune system would begin attacking the body with the added gluten. Because Scleroderma is already an Auto-Immune disease, I felt like added inflammation and immune response would not be beneficial. In addition, I suggested that she go get a copy of the book ‘Eat Right for your Blood Type’. I like this diet because it guides people on what is the best diet for their own blood type and is based on their genetics.
She came back to me 9 days later, almost in tears. This is what happened in the days since I had last seen her:
She told me that she had gone out to get the book that night after leaving my office, followed the recommendations exactly… eliminating foods that were not right for her blood type (this included eliminating gluten) and just eating the foods that they recommended for her. She did this for 4 days straight. On the 5th day, she went in for a blood test that had already been scheduled.
The morning of her appointment with me, she received a call from her doctor. Her doctor was calling to give her results from the blood test, which were as follows: they could not find any antibodies to the Scleroderma. This was the first test that had come back negative in 2 years for her. The doctor gave her the ‘go ahead’ to start exercising again.
The two of us were in tears, by the time she finished telling me all of this. She told me that she knew then that she was going to live long enough to be able to see her kids graduate from high school and to get married and that she was going to be able live a long life. Before that point, she and the doctors didn’t know how long she was going to live. All of that has since changed.
Since then, Suzanne came in every week telling me about some new task that she was able to perform… mopping the floor, doing the laundry, moving her daughter’s furniture around in her room. I know these sound mundane to most of us, but consider not being able to do these things.. the things that make life worth living and enjoying and then having all of that taken away and being in constant pain and discomfort.
Suzanne is no longer on drugs, she is leading a normal, pain-free life, and she looks forward to many more years of working in a job that she loves and being with her wonderful family. Other than that, she’s living a normal life. I am so happy to know this beautiful woman, the joy that she brings to the world, and I am so happy that she was courageous enough to make the changes in her life so that she can be here to share her gifts with all of us.