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Create Your Roadmap to Health & Vitality
FREE preview of some things you'll be learning
Amazing Health Starts Here (7:10)
Health isn't just absence of disease (7:58)
3 Tools to Immediately Transform Stress (19:21)
Life-Changing Turn-Around (5:56)
How to Use this Course
Introduction & Overview of the Course (8:19)
How This Course is Going to Work
The 3 goals for this Course
Your Health Story
Where to start? (Dr. Dharma) (13:51)
Don't wait till it's too late: Return of the Turtle... (Dr. Dharma) (1:20)
3 Quick Starts to Getting Healthy (Dr. Dharma) (2:02)
Week 1 - Use Your Breath to Heal
Getting Started This Week
Our Amazing Breath
Why Focus on Our Breath? (Video) (6:22)
Benefits of Breath
Getting You Started with Exercises to Practice Conscious Breathing
Breath Exercise 1: Long Deep Breathing (Relax) (0:54)
Breath Exercise 2: Left Nostril Breathing (Calm) (1:12)
Breath Exercise 3: Right Nostril Breathing (Energize) (1:10)
Breath Exercise 4: Eight Stroke Breath (De-Stress) (0:58)
Breathe Deeply: Action Items for the Week
Class with Dr. Arjan & Guruka (34:12)
Week 2 - Food as Medicine
Welcome to Week 2: Eat Well
Why Do We Want to Eat Well? (Video) (3:12)
Food As Medicine: Interview with Dr. Dharma Khalsa, author of 'Food as Medicine' (Video) (7:16)
Anti-Inflammatory Foods: Interview with Dr. Dharma (Video) (3:17)
How to detoxify: (Dr. Dharma) (2:09)
Eliminating the Inflammatory Foods (Video) (4:06)
Create Your Own Food Log (Video) and Food Log Printout (1:14)
Keeping it Simple (Video) (2:56)
Finding Success with Eliminating Foods (Video) (2:50)
Why Do We Want to Eat Well?
Buy Organic Whenever Possible
List of 'Yes' Foods: Anti-Inflammatory Foods
List of 'No' Foods: Foods that lead to Inflammation
Simple Food to Make this Week
Resources for You To Get Started (Video) (2:23)
Start with a Green Smoothie Everyday
Suggested Weekly Diet Plan and Grocery List
How to Prepare Your Weekly Diet Plan
Action Items to get You Started
Final Words....
All "Eat Well" Downloads
Making a "Buddha Bowl" Cooking Class with Dr. Arjan (43:46)
Vegetarian Thai Soup Cooking Class with Guru Bachan (26:42)
Week 3 - Hydrate Yourself to Health
Introduction to Week 3: Hydrate Often
Why Do We Need to Drink so Much Water? (Video) (0:57)
How Much Water do You Need to Drink? (Video) (1:14)
When to Drink Water (Video) (1:09)
Decreasing Caffeine and Sugar (Video) (1:21)
How do you know if you are drinking enough? (Video) (0:44)
How Much Water do You Need to Drink?
What Else Can you Drink?
Do Cokes Count as Water?
What About Alcohol?
When and How in the World are You Going to Drink this much Water?
Hydrate Often Action Items (Video) (0:25)
Week 4 - Get More Movement into Your Life
Introduction to this Week's Material
Introduction (Video) (0:43)
Reasons to Move (Video) (1:05)
Healthy Exercise (Video) (1:57)
Keeping the Spine Young (Video) (0:53)
The Importance of Movement
Yoga Video Class: Increase Flexibility of Your Spine (45:51)
How to get More Movement into Your Life
Proper Posture While Walking
Action Items (Video) (0:32)
Your Goals for this Week
Yoga Exercise Class with Dr. Japa Khalsa to get Your Morning Started with Lots of Energy! (38:43)
Week 5 - Heal Your Sleep
Welcome to Sleep Lots!
Sleep Well Intro (Video) (0:59)
Why do we need Sleep (Video) (2:02)
Preparing for Amazing Sleep: Part 1 (Video) (1:57)
Preparing for Amazing Sleep: Part 2 (Video) (1:30)
Preparing for Amazing Sleep: Part 3 (Video) (2:25)
Foods for Better Sleep (Video) (2:12)
Skip that Cup of Coffee (Video) (1:43)
Kirtan Kriya - Overview by Dr Arjan (Video) (1:52)
Kirtan Kriya - Demo and Practice (Video) (13:06)
Yoga Exercises for Improved Sleep Experience (Video) (4:37)
Why Sleeping well is REALLY Important to Our Health and Well-Being
Sleep problems
Tips and Tools to Prepare for an Amazing Sleep
Yoga Exercises for Improved Sleep Experience (written instructions)
Skip that Cup of Coffee
Kirtan Kriya: Meditation for Relaxing Your Mind and Body (written instructions to print out)
Kirtan Kriya - History, Research & Benefits: Interview with Dr. Dharma (14:47)
Kirtan Kriya - White Paper
Sleep Lots Action Items for This Week... Includes a Printable 'Sleep Log' to Track Your Sleep Quality
Wrapping Up
You've Finished.... Closing Words and Video (4:44)
Teach online with
Preparing for Amazing Sleep: Part 3 (Video)
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