Sleep problems

  • Over 70 million Americans suffer from disorders of sleep and wakefulness.
  • It is one of the biggest reasons that patients seek help from their doctors every year.

In my own practice I find that most people suffer with one of the following:

  • have difficulty falling asleep
  • wake up within a few hours of falling asleep
  • don't get restful sleep
  • wake up to go to the bathroom 1-5 times during the night
  • wake up earlier than they want to and are still tired.
Do you experience any of the following:
  • You are tired, maybe even exhausted, but you can't fall asleep for 20 minutes to an hour?
  • You fall asleep but wake soon after falling asleep, or
  • You wake up regularly around 1 or 2 in the morning and can't go back to sleep until right before the alarm is set to go off?

If you are suffering with any of the above scenarios, I have suggestions for you to help sleeping easier in the next module.

One of the biggest challenges I've found with both myself and my patients is that there is 'adrenal fatigue' happening, which can lead to any of the above-mentioned challenges with sleeping.

If you're trying everything in this course and are still having a hard time sleeping, let's set up a time to talk about your adrenals being a possible causative factor of sleep disturbance. We can tailor a support protocol for you. For many people, there are nutrient deficiencies that will lead to sleep, hormonal and nervous system issues

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